
5 young researchers & URAs joined the “Young Researchers’ Section Meeting” of COI STREAM.

The COI STREAM of MEXT and JST holds “COI 2021” for young researchers of the next generation from 18 sites nationwide. The aim of this meeting is to create cross-disciplinary innovation through an interaction of young researchers who bring their own ideas beyond the scope of research and development themes at each Site.

Click here for a report on the second COI2021 (venue: Hokkaido University) 

A total of 65 researchers gathered for the third structuring team “Young researchers task force (wakatebukai)”. Following opening remarks and reports from the organizers, Koichiro Eto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) of the team led the rest of the program. The participants formed different groups according to the discussion theme they were interested in and engaged in a free and lively discussion. The ideas and issues discussed were ‘pitched’ to the structuring team who made comments and had a Q&A session.

Going forward, each team will continue discussions and further adjustments to create innovation, in order to obtain “COI Young Researchers Fund” through their presentations at the competition planned on 27 November.

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